It’s difficult enough to keep track of everything you need to know. You’re then asked to apply everything you’ve learned on randomly selected questions as the clock ticks down. It’s nerve-wracking!
21st Night presents a better solution. Once you input questions into 21st Night, it’ll teach you to understand the root of the problems. By the time you take the exam, you’ll be ready.

Why 21st Night helps
I teach (and have taken) a lot of exams: the GMAT, the GRE, the LSAT, the MCAT, the SAT, the ACT.
All of these exams have something in common: in order to do well on the exam, you need to focus on what you’re getting wrong, learn how to do it correctly, and then remember it for the exam.
Everyone knows this. But, everyone then tries to study the same way: read a bit of the textbook, do some questions, then take a practice test.
They never analyze what they’re getting wrong, and they never go back to make sure they now know how to do it the right way.
If you don’t even know what questions you’re getting wrong, then there’s zero chance that you’ll get those questions right on the exam.
This is what 21st Night can help you with.
Try it free for 14 days.
Which exams should 21st Night be used for?
21st Night can be used for any exam: MCAT, LSAT, GRE, GMAT, SAT, ACT.
Any exam that requires you to remember things is an exam that you can use 21st Night for.
Wondering how other people have used 21st Night? Check out our real results.
How to use 21st Night
You can use 21st Night like normal flashcards to memorize facts.
Or, you can use 21st Night as an error log to master techniques. When you use an error log, you’re not just memorizing facts, but mastering old questions.
If you master all the old questions from old exams, you’ll probably be pretty close to mastering the exam itself. There are only so many types of questions they can ask, right?
Now, to best use an error log, you need to
- Recognize a question you’re having trouble with
- Learn how to do it
- Review it before you forget
- Review it a couple times more to get it in your long term memory
- Figure out what question you need to do next
Step 1: a problem is identified
Let’s say you’re working your way through Khan Academy for the MCAT. You come across a problem and it totally stumps you.

“I should know how to do this sort of question for the exam,” you think. So you put the question into 21st Night.
Step 2: learning how to do the question
When you put the question into 21st Night, you just copy-paste the whole thing in there, images and all.
Fortunately, Khan Academy gives you a pretty good idea of how to classify this question, both by topic and subtopic. I’ve added in an additional subtopic as well.

Now, you fill in the answer, an explanation (which you can just copy-paste from Khan), and a hint, which you should come up with yourself.
I know Khan provides you with a bunch of hints, but this is when it’s helpful to be reflective about your own learning. What did you need to know originally in order to solve this question?
Step 3: review the question before you forget how to do it
You can review questions on the web app or through your phone app.
If you review through the web app, it’s pretty straightforward. You click to review what topic you’d like to see today, then you start reviewing.
You see the question as it was originally, then click to see answer. Afterwards, you can click to say whether this problem went well, ok, or not so good. This will determine when you see the problem next.

Step 4: put the question into your long-term memory
It’s pretty much impossible to remember a random question (or a topic) over the long-term if you just do it once.
Unfortunately, unless you plan on doing all of your studying the day or two before the exam, you’re going to need to.
That’s why 21st Night has you review questions periodically, even after you get them right (but especially after you get them wrong).

If you only want to review a particular question, you can just click to review it through the main screen. You don’t have to click “study deck”.
Step 5: figure out which questions to do next
Once you’ve added and reviewed a variety of cards, 21st Night can help you figure out what areas and questions you need to focus on with detailed analytics.
That way, each of your study sessions can be as productive as possible. You don’t have to waste time doing random questions with no rhyme or reason.

You can also look at the daily view to analyze how each session went per day and plan out your next session.

This way, you can be sure to make each study session as productive as possible. No more wasting time doing the wrong thing!
Want to start mastering your exam? Well, why not try 21st Night for free?