Real results

My error logs have helped dozens of people improve their scores by amazing amounts on really tough exams. Here are some of their stories:

The method of using error logs to prepare for my GRE has been by far the best method I have encountered to succeed in this exam. The error log enabled me to understand and prepare for the things which I needed most preparation for in a very structured manner. If I were to take any other standardized examinations in the future, your error log would be the first tool I reached out for.

Anirudh Sriram, University of Chicago Graduate Program in Computer Science

Before using an error log, I tried numerous study prep courses in hopes to raise my GMAT score. This did result in an increased score, but the increase was marginal and not satisfactory. 21st Night allowed me to identify problems/concepts that needed additional review. It was clear, concise, and intuitive. As a result, my score increased an additional 80 points!

Michael Trotter, Credit Research

Trevor was a patient and resourceful tutor. 21st Night was an invaluable tool that I used to prepare for my GRE application. Prior to using it my score did not improve even with a lot of work. The log helped me pinpoint my areas of weakness so I could concentrate on developing those specific skills and knowledge. I highly recommend it.

Ingrid Tse, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

I increased from 590 to 680 in just 7 weeks, thanks to 21st Night and you!

Ink Eze, AsoEbiBella

I love the work that you’ve done on 21st Night.

Christopher Creene, Ultimate Premed Package

21st Night is an innovative approach to remembering things better by working on what matters most.

Scott Young, Ultralearner

I would not have been able to hit my GMAT target score with Trevor. The error log Trevor provided helped me identify my weaknesses on the GMAT and drill specific skills I needed to develop.

Kyla Gabriel, Bain and Company

Trevor provides a great approach for improving your score to get where you want to be.

Mike Lewers, who went from a 540 to a 700+ GMAT score with my approach

Trevor taught me GMAT skills that changed the way I viewed the test. I improved my score by 100 points.

Morgan Leinberry, who started using the error log method only after failing to improve with a GMAT prep class

I valued the structure Trevor brought to my GRE studying process through his use of a personalized error log.

Sam Wickham, Boston University School of Public Health

Your error log approach is spot on…very well thought out.

Jesse Brockwell, Learning Consultants Group

And here’s a few snippets from around the web about error logs:

You’ve heard us say it over and over again: it’s vital that you make an error log part of your GMAT study plan.

The Economist

This is not hyperbole. I truly believe that the number one way to raise your score is to have a thorough error log.

Manhattan Prep

An error log is the single best way to dispassionately gather data about your own performance and pinpoint potential weak areas.


To get the most from your MCAT practice test you want to log your wrong answers so you can review them over and over again.

Showly Nicholson, AmbitiousStudent